
Users of Best Tractor



Kam, from UK

Cartridge: Lyra Delos MC
Tonearm: SME V
Turntable: Michell GYRO-SE

His Finding:


After playing a few records I could notice a much clearer and more focussed sound, instruments were much more defined and less smeared.

Next to spending hundreds or thousands of pounds on upgrading my system I found this protractor an essential purchase in getting the most out of my set up!

Also the service from Yip is excellent!

Thanks for great product!

His alignment process:


I secured the platter using tape from the 3 suspension towers

with the stylus tip on the arc at the innermost point i was surprised how far back the stylus tip was at the platter edge!

after some time finding the placement where the tip rests on all the points of the arc i secured the protractor to the platter with more tape.

the fine line is very exacting so there's no mistaking when the stylus tip on the entire arc is off or not.

took a break before working on the null points!

i could see immediately that the stylus was angled (sloping from top right to bottom left) with the tip on both sides the exacting null point.

even with the fixed mounting holes of the SME-V i found there was quite a large degree of movement with the cartridge angling on the tonearm,

at one point i over compensated the alignment so the stylus sloped from top left to bottom right.

finally got the alignment correct


both null points!

I compared the new set up with the Mint protractor using the supplied SME protractor afterwards and found the SME reading to be quite off.

There is a considerable difference using the SME guide after using the Mint protractor, the SME felt so crude and primitive!


Best Tractor




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