
LP Solution

Frequently Asked Questions


1. How to order a Best Tractor?

Please Click this: ORDER Best Tractor

2. What are your credentials?

We start online selling in 2005. Being a very small operation we wholly rely on user feedback and referral to promote our products. As such customer satisfaction is our major asset.

Please read feedbacks here: Reviews on Best Tractor

Of course you should not miss the first hand experience by my users, here is the link: User Comments

3. How do I make payment?

We accept Paypal. If you do not want Paypal you can choose to make payment via your local Western Union offices.

Please do NOT send money over until we tell you to do so by a detail Paypal Invoice or Western Union payment details.

We always confirm your payment with an email, by which you are notified with the exact shipment date.

4. How much is the postage cost?

The Best Tractor price already includes Registered Airmail to your address worldwide.

5. How long does it take to get a Best Tractor?

Please refer to this link: Best Tractor Shipment Schedule

6. Can I get the Best Tractor quicker?

Yes of course. First of all please see if your setup we have a 9-series offer, read here: the 9-series

And you can always choose fast shipment by Speedpost, details here: Speed Post Option

7. Can I follow up my package sent to me?

Yes of course. We always send our Best Tractor in registered airmail and we then email a tracking ID to our users upon parcel sending. Users can track their parcels here: Hong Kong Post Enquiry

We are 100% transparent to our users and we report our shipment dates publicly: Shipment History Record

It is always our first priority to answer users' questions or problem on package sent. We are seldom late in shipping. For instance in 2009 we are only late once for the whole year. In the unlikely event we are going to be late, all affected users will first be notified by email before the schedule shipment date.

8. What do you mean by Best Tractor is tonearm/turntable specific?

We aim at accuracy. It is obvious the Tractor has to be tonearm specific as different tonearms have different geometric specification. It is turntable specific as the spindle diameter of turntable varies from brand to brand, sometimes even model to model.

9. What tonearms you have service for users?

Please read this link: List of Tonearms We have Serviced

The above list is not exhaustive, as long as you can provide us with the Effective Length and Mounting Distance we are able to help you.

10. SME tonearm owners, please read :

SME tonearms do not allow Effective Length adjustment, hence we need the MHST distance of your cartridge. Read the following link for more information: SME Tonearms

Note Best Tractors built for SME tonearms are tonearm/turntable/cartridge specific.

11. VPI JMW-12 Tonearm owners:

Please read this : VPI JMW-12 Tonearm Mounting Distance Issue

12. I am just a LP beginner, so..

We all are beginners in every type of human activities and we have to practice to become old hands. Getting a tonearm properly setup only asks for your time and patience. Forget all the myths reported here and there, it is more important that you first come to know the basic theory of a tonearm setup. Please read the link: Tonearm Geometry and Terms

Now if you have come across any contents of the above can be improved or not well explained, feel free to email us.

13. What other products are you selling?

Please read this link : Other Products